Tuesday, May 13, 2008

veruca visits the great lake state!

the first thing that little veruca did when she arrived was mug for the camera with gnorman the gnome...then she headed over to the 'rents house and checked out the blueberry farm...too bad she didn't come later this summer because she could have taken some with her on her travels!

she insisted on going to see Lake Michigan. i tried to explain to her that the lake is a cold frigid b#tch this time of year but she wouldn't take no for an answer. i drew the line at walking down the bluff so we watched the choppy water from a distance.

the last thing veruca did was go to work at the police department with me. i was going take her fingerprints and add her to the system so "the man" could track her every move....but wouldn't you know it...she wouldn't let go of her stash long enough to cooperate *wink*


Andrea in Blue said...

Looks like Veruca had a great time! :-)

SupaCindy3000 said...

Looks cold there, good thing Veruca had all that yarn to keep her warm!

JennyD said...

Yes, Too bad she was not there in July. I am from Michigan myself, and Michigan summers, on Lake Michigan, are lovely, warm sunny days and cool nights. Virginia summers are HOT!

imightbeapryl said...

it is cold here! it seems summer will be half over before spring arrives this year...

how about we trade Jennyd? i adore the hot weather...and ask my parents constantly how our family came to rest in michigan because it's obvious i belong in a sweltering climate instead of a snowy one!